SDGs and the UN Human Rights Mechanisms

This section includes illustrations of linkage between the SDGs and human rights using a tool provided by the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The SDG-Human Rights Data Explorer created by the Danish Institute for Human Rights links the recommendations of the UN Treaty Bodies, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and the Special Procedure under the UN Human Rights Council to the 169 SDG targets. 

Based on this tool, NKDB analysed all of the recommendations received by North Korea during the three UPR cycles and linked them to each of the respective 17 SDGs. 

SDGs through the UPR(Universal Periodic Review)

Click the graph to see more details on each goal


      1st UPR Cycle

      2nd UPR Cycle

      3rd UPR Cycle

Recommending State
|124.45|Take measures to ensure international humanitarian aid reaches the most vulnerable and needy
|124.46|Work closely with humanitarian agencies to ensure their free and unimpeded access to all populations in need and that humanitarian aid is distributed transparently and reaches the most vulnerable citizens
New Zealand
|124.47|Secure unlimited access and entirely satisfactory monitoring conditions for humanitarian organisations
|124.121|Continue building the social structure of the country, focusing on the promotion and protection of the family as the vital unit of the society
|124.153|Continue its fight against poverty
|124.154|Intensify efforts to develop poverty alleviation programmes with specific attention to empower marginalised and vulnerable groups within the society, such as children, women and the elderly
Sri Lanka
|124.162|Take further measures to improve access to basic health care, nutrition and education of children
|124.181|Continue to promote economic, social and culture development to provide better conditions for the enjoyment of all rights by its people
|126.56|Grant access to the United Nations and other international humanitarian agencies to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups
|126.58|Grant immediate, free and unimpeded access to international humanitarian organizations to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups, including prisoners
|126.59|Secure unlimited humanitarian access to all provinces of the country
|126.62|Consider seeking technical cooperation and capacity-building support from the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and other international bodies in the process of implementing the law on the protection of the rights of the child
|126.82|Scale up its efforts in the promotion and protection of the rights of vulnerable groups in society
|126.91|Implement in an effective manner its Strategy for National Economic Development, and its Strategies for the Development of the Health Sector and for the Development of Education, for a better standard of living for its population
|126.100|Redirect its public spending in order to fulfil the right of all people in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to a standard of living adequate for their health and well-being, in line with Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2 and 3
|126.102|Maintain the design of action to guarantee the well-being of its population, in particular children, women, older persons and persons with disabilities, in its economic and social development plans
|126.109|Cooperate with the United Nations and the international community to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, including the implementation of the right to health
Republic of Korea
|126.155|Enhance measures to ensure the availability and accessibility of essential services for all and the enjoyment of rights by women, children and persons with disabilities
|126.162|Take concrete measure and means to fight against poverty
Recommending State
|90.17|Review its legal and administrative measures with a view to ensuring the dignity and better living conditions of the vulnerable groups, including women and children
|90.34|Continue its cooperation with the international community in solving humanitarian issues of mutual concern
Viet Nam
|90.61|Continue giving priority to vulnerable groups in the distribution of international assistance
|90.64|In line with previous recommendations made by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, make every effort to reinforce protection of the right to life and development of all children
|90.96|Strengthen measures to facilitate access and effective distribution of international humanitarian aid to the people in need, with special attention to vulnerable groups
|90.98|Intensify its efforts to promote and protect the human rights of specific groups within society, such as women, children, disabled persons and the elderly, with a view to empowering them and alleviating their vulnerability
|90.117|Continue to cooperate with the United Nations, other international organizations and the world community to settle all the humanitarian issues
Lao People's Democratic Republic
|91.7|Cooperate with the special procedures concretely by accepting the repeated requests for a country visit by the Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights situation and the right to food
|125.27|Cooperate fully with the COI as well as with the United Nations special procedures and with the humanitarian international organizations
|126.47|Grant access to all special procedures that request to visit the country and seek the technical assistance of OHCHR
Allow humanitarian assistance providers operating in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea unrestricted and independent movement throughout the country, as well as direct and unimpeded access to all populations in need
United States of America

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