SDGs and the UN Human Rights Mechanisms

This section includes illustrations of linkage between the SDGs and human rights using a tool provided by the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The SDG-Human Rights Data Explorer created by the Danish Institute for Human Rights links the recommendations of the UN Treaty Bodies, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and the Special Procedure under the UN Human Rights Council to the 169 SDG targets. 

Based on this tool, NKDB analysed all of the recommendations received by North Korea during the three UPR cycles and linked them to each of the respective 17 SDGs. 

SDGs through the UPR(Universal Periodic Review)

Click the graph to see more details on each goal


      1st UPR Cycle

      2nd UPR Cycle

      3rd UPR Cycle

Recommending State
Take measures to ensure international humanitarian aid reaches the most vulnerable and needy
Strengthen cooperation with international organizations, particularly in the areas of health, education and food
Continue with the cooperation programs, in line with the World Food Programme, with priority given to the most vulnerable groups, such as elderly persons, women and children, and ensure they are implemented transparently
Ensure the right to food and other economic, social and cultural rights, without any kind of discrimination
Ensure, protect and fulfil the right to an adequate standard of living, including the rights to adequate food on a non-discriminatory basis
Ensure the right to food for its entire population without any restriction
Take the necessary measures in order for all the population to have access to food
Fully prioritise fulfilling the right to food in its public spending, thus furthering recent improvements in the food situation
Take immediate steps to allocate proper budgetary resources to ensure protection of the rights to food, health, water and sanitation
Include more effective methods for the increase of food production, continue to make efforts for increased production of medical supplies and facilities
Increase budgetary allocation to the agricultural sector, so as to improve food security in its endeavours to further the protection and promotion of human rights of the Korean people
Increase access to food, healthcare, education, and adequate housing, throughout the country
Take further measures to improve access to basic health care, nutrition and education of children
Grant access to the United Nations and other international humanitarian agencies to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups
Grant immediate, free and unimpeded access to international humanitarian organizations to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups, including prisoners
Secure unlimited humanitarian access to all provinces of the country
Continue to maintain cooperation with international organizations in the fields of health, education, nutrition and food security
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Maintain cooperation with international organizations working on health, education, nutrition and food security
Continue to maintain cooperation with the international organizations in the areas of health, education, nutrition and food security
Continue to maintain cooperation with international organizations in the fields of health, education, nutrition and food security
Redirect its public spending in order to fulfil the right of all people in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to a standard of living adequate for their health and well-being, in line with Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2 and 3
Maintain the design of action to guarantee the well-being of its population, in particular children, women, older persons and persons with disabilities, in its economic and social development plans
Take further steps to strengthen the anti-discrimination legal framework to ensure wider access to food, health, education and other fundamental rights
Increase people's access to food, health care, education and adequate housing throughout the country
Ensure the protection of the rights to food, health, water and sanitation, as previously recommended
Continue to guarantee access to education, food and health for its people, especially those most in need
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Intensify efforts in ensuring the rights to food and health for all people in the country, with priorities given to vulnerable or specific groups such as children, women, persons with disabilities and older persons
Continue the implementation of the food administration policy of the State
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Continue to strengthen measures that ensure access to food for the entire population
Take necessary measures to combat food insecurity and malnutrition, which affect millions of persons, including in particular children, women and older persons as well as other vulnerable groups
Further ensure that access to food in the country is free from discrimination and that public distribution of food covers marginalized and most vulnerable groups
Strengthen its positive actions to further reduce the infant mortality and malnutrition rates in the country
Adopt concrete measures to address the root causes of infant and child mortality, including social and economic deprivation and inequality, child malnutrition and child labour
Recommending State
Review its legal and administrative measures with a view to ensuring the dignity and better living conditions of the vulnerable groups, including women and children
Continue to increase and diversify agricultural production by resorting to agricultural strategies, which could be based on models of production that have proven to be worthwhile
Agree to the requests for visit by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food
Make every possible effort to ensure access to food for the entire population
Secure the right to food for all its citizens, especially so as to secure the right to health for children
Continue taking measures to ensure the right to food for its people and implement MDGs
Viet Nam
Take the necessary steps to ensure impartial access to adequate food, drinking water and other basic necessities for all people within its jurisdiction, including vulnerable groups
Address concerns of the international community, including shortage of food, medical and other humanitarian services
Allocate resources equitably and implement food security policies, including through sustainable agricultural practices and reduced State restrictions on the cultivation and trade of foodstuffs
New Zealand
Strengthen measures to facilitate access and effective distribution of international humanitarian aid to the people in need, with special attention to vulnerable groups
Give access to food and other essential products to those who need them, taking into account the particular needs of children and pregnant and nursing women, and cooperate constructively with humanitarian agencies and other humanitarian actors by ensuring them access to all the territory
Grant access to international humanitarian agencies such as WFP
Allow WFP to access those in need
Grant full access to WFP to ensure food reaches the most vulnerable, and adopt other measures to promote the right to food including economic reforms to incentivize those working in the agricultural sector to increase production
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Grant immediate access without obstacles to international humanitarian agencies, including WFP, as well as the Special Rapporteur on the right to food, in order to allow the resumption of necessary operations for food supply and to ensure that aid is distributed on the basis of the genuine needs of the people
Allow humanitarian agencies to resume food assistance and grant WFP full, safe and unhindered access to the country in order to monitor aid distribution
Cooperate more intensively with United Nations human rights mechanisms, in particular by responding positively to the repeated requests for visits by the Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights and the right to food
Allow urgently the development of international operations of food distribution in the whole country - put an end to discrimination in the governmental food distribution, prioritizing children, pregnant women, persons with disabilities and senior citizens
With regard to ensuring the right to food to the entire population, including in jails and labour camps, cooperate in a constructive manner with the competent United Nations institutions and facilitate the work of NGOs present in the country by guaranteeing their access to the entire population
Consider the request of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food to visit the country
Ensure that government policy on access to food, healthcare and health services, including the Public Distribution System, is free of discrimination and political considerations
Ensure the right to adequate food, including access to food, in a non-discriminatory manner, paying special attention to marginalized groups in its public distribution, in accordance with its international human rights obligations
Take immediate measures to end the systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations described in the report of the COI – including violations of the freedoms of thought, expression and religion; multiple forms of discrimination; violations of the freedom of movement and residence; violations of the right to food; arbitrary detention, torture and executions; and abductions and enforced disappearances from other countries
Provide international humanitarian organizations and human rights monitors with immediate access to the prison camps and their surviving victims
Guarantee the right to food for its citizens on an equal basis and put an end to discriminatory food rationing as a tool to control and exert pressure on its people
Stop violating the right to food and using starvation, hunger and malnutrition as a means to ensure its control over the population
Allow humanitarian assistance providers operating in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea unrestricted and independent movement throughout the country, as well as direct and unimpeded access to all populations in need
United States of America
Prioritize the human rights of its population over military expenditure, including by dedicating resources to ensure freedom from hunger
Effectively address chronic food insecurity, in particular early childhood malnutrition, and ensure that government policy on access to food is free of discrimination and political considerations
Ensure that the Government's policies on access to food and distribution are free from discrimination and political considerations
Stop using food as a way to control its population and ensure the free distribution of food

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