SDGs and the UN Human Rights Mechanisms

본 섹션은 덴마크 인권연구소(The Danish Institute for Human Rights)가 제공한 도구를 활용하여 SDGs(지속가능발전목표)와 인권 사이의 연관성을 설명한다.

덴마크 인권연구소의 <SDG-인권 데이터 익스플로러>는 유엔 조약 기구들의 권고, 국가별 정례 인권검토(Universal Periodic Review; UPR),

유엔 인권 이사회 하의 특별 조치를 169개 SDGs 내 세부목표와 연결시켜 보여준다.

이를 바탕으로 북한인권정보센터는 국가별 정례 인권검토 3주기 동안 북한이 받은 모든 권고를 분석하였으며 이를 17개의 SDGs와 연계했다. 

SDGs through the UPR(Universal Periodic Review)

Click the graph to see more details on each goal


      1st UPR Cycle

      2nd UPR Cycle

      3rd UPR Cycle 

Recommending State
Cooperate responsibly with the international community
Take measures to ensure international humanitarian aid reaches the most vulnerable and needy
Work closely with humanitarian agencies to ensure their free and unimpeded access to all populations in need and that humanitarian aid is distributed transparently and reaches the most vulnerable citizens
New Zealand
Secure unlimited access and entirely satisfactory monitoring conditions for humanitarian organisations
Take immediate steps to allocate proper budgetary resources to ensure protection of the rights to food, health, water and sanitation
Continue its efforts to fulfil the economic, social and cultural rights of all
Pay greater attention to the construction of sanitation facilities and housing constructions in rural areas
Make efforts to supply quality drinking water and provide adequate cultural facilities to the rural population
Continue ensuring the right to safe drinking water and sanitation for all persons
Continue to make efforts to ensure the supply of quality drinking water to all of the population
South Sudan
Take concrete measures to further improve hygiene and sanitation in all parts of the country
Continue to promote economic, social and culture development to provide better conditions for the enjoyment of all rights by its people
Grant access to the United Nations and other international humanitarian agencies to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups
Grant immediate, free and unimpeded access to international humanitarian organizations to provide assistance to the most vulnerable groups, including prisoners
Secure unlimited humanitarian access to all provinces of the country
Take further measures to ensure that all citizens enjoy their civil, cultural, economic and social rights
Strengthen its efforts to overcome the challenges that negatively impact the promotion and protection of human rights and to provide adequate conditions favorable to the enjoyment of human rights in accordance with international standards
State of Palestine
Continue to make efforts to develop education and health care, to better protect people's right to education and right to health
Ensure the protection of the rights to food, health, water and sanitation, as previously recommended
Enhance measures to ensure the availability and accessibility of essential services for all and the enjoyment of rights by women, children and persons with disabilities
Continue the development of the health sector and achieve universal health care
Continue its initiatives to improve public health services, in line with the right to health
Continue modernizing the national health system in favour of the population
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Recommending State
Review its legal and administrative measures with a view to ensuring the dignity and better living conditions of the vulnerable groups, including women and children
Continue its cooperation with the international community in solving humanitarian issues of mutual concern
Viet Nam
Continue giving priority to vulnerable groups in the distribution of international assistance
In line with previous recommendations made by the Committee on the Rights of the Child, make every effort to reinforce protection of the right to life and development of all children
Take the necessary steps to ensure impartial access to adequate food, drinking water and other basic necessities for all people within its jurisdiction, including vulnerable groups
Intensify its efforts to promote and protect the human rights of specific groups within society, such as women, children, disabled persons and the elderly, with a view to empowering them and alleviating their vulnerability
Continue to seek constructive cooperation with international mechanisms and other countries in areas of human rights in a non confrontational and non-politicized manner
Continue to cooperate with the United Nations, other international organizations and the world community to settle all the humanitarian issues
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Demonstrate a genuine willingness to improve its human rights record by engaging more positively and openly with the international community, including the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights, and work constructively with the United Nations system to bring its human rights into line with international standards
Invite the Special Rapporteur and/or an international humanitarian organization recognized for its independence to visit "reform institutions" and other correctional and penitentiary institutions to assess/evaluate detention conditions with a view to proposing measures to improve these conditions so that they meet international norms and standards
Guarantee international humanitarian organizations and human rights monitors immediate access to political prisons and other camps, as well as to their surviving victims, in order to provide primary care
Provide international humanitarian organisations with immediate, free and unimpeded access to all populations in need, including those held in labour camps or political prison camps
Allow humanitarian assistance providers operating in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea unrestricted and independent movement throughout the country, as well as direct and unimpeded access to all populations in need
United States of America
Take concrete measures to improve conditions of detention by implementing the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (the Nelson Mandela Rules) and the United Nations Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-custodial Measures for Women Offenders (the Bangkok Rules)

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