SDGs and the UN Human Rights Mechanisms

This section includes illustrations of linkage between the SDGs and human rights using a tool provided by the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The SDG-Human Rights Data Explorer created by the Danish Institute for Human Rights links the recommendations of the UN Treaty Bodies, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and the Special Procedure under the UN Human Rights Council to the 169 SDG targets. 

Based on this tool, NKDB analysed all of the recommendations received by North Korea during the three UPR cycles and linked them to each of the respective 17 SDGs. 

SDGs through the UPR(Universal Periodic Review)

Click the graph to see more details on each goal


      1st UPR Cycle

      2nd UPR Cycle

수용 - Supported
Recommending State
Take measures to ensure international humanitarian aid reaches the most vulnerable and needy
Continue to promote economic, social and culture development to provide better conditions for the enjoyment of all rights by its people
Intensify its efforts to promote economic development
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
주목 - Noted
Recommending State
Review its legal and administrative measures with a view to ensuring the dignity and better living conditions of the vulnerable groups, including women and children
Enhance protection of rights of women and children, in particular those in the most vulnerable situations

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