SDGs and the UN Human Rights Mechanisms

This section includes illustrations of linkage between the SDGs and human rights using a tool provided by the Danish Institute for Human Rights.

The SDG-Human Rights Data Explorer created by the Danish Institute for Human Rights links the recommendations of the UN Treaty Bodies, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and the Special Procedure under the UN Human Rights Council to the 169 SDG targets. 

Based on this tool, NKDB analysed all of the recommendations received by North Korea during the three UPR cycles and linked them to each of the respective 17 SDGs. 

SDGs through the UPR(Universal Periodic Review)

Click the graph to see more details on each goal

SDG 10

      1st UPR Cycle

      2nd UPR Cycle

      3rd UPR Cycle

Recommending State
Further fulfil the internationally taken obligations as well as join new human rights international instruments
Consider the ratification of international human rights instruments to which it is still not a party
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Accede to international human rights instruments to which it is not yet a party
Continue to strengthen its domestic legal framework and implement its international human rights obligations
Strengthen the work on aligning the national legislation and legal practice with the international obligations of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on the protection of human rights
Russian Federation
Promulgate more laws and regulations on economic, social and cultural rights, to improve the legal framework concerning the exercise of human rights
Continue to fulfil its obligations under the international human rights instruments
Fulfil its commitments under ratified fundamental human rights instruments
Take measures to ensure international humanitarian aid reaches the most vulnerable and needy
Work closely with humanitarian agencies to ensure their free and unimpeded access to all populations in need and that humanitarian aid is distributed transparently and reaches the most vulnerable citizens
New Zealand
Secure unlimited access and entirely satisfactory monitoring conditions for humanitarian organisations
Continue its cooperation and dialogue with the relevant international organisations with the aim to address the socio-economic needs of its people
Continue its efforts in providing gender equal rights
Strengthen efforts to ensure women's representation in influential posts in national and regional government
Ensure women an equal treatment with respect to men, especially with regard to the rights to food, education and work
Continue to consolidate socio-economic measures to minimize the gap between rural and urban areas
Continue its efforts to fulfil the economic, social and cultural rights of all
Ensure equal access to social and economic rights for all citizens
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Continue actions to ensure that children in the most disadvantaged areas enjoy the same benefits in education and health enjoyed in urban areas
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Continue to make efforts to ensure that children with disabilities and those without parents fully enjoy their right to health, education and other social and cultural rights
Sri Lanka
Continue to consider the possibility of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea acceding to other international human rights treaties (Belarus);
Consider ratifying the international human rights instruments to which it is not yet a party (Plurinational State of Bolivia); Consider ratifying other core human rights instruments, to which it has not become a party (Indonesia);
Plurinational State of Bolivia, Indonesia
Consider ratifying the main international human rights instruments to which it is not yet a party
Côte d’Ivoire
Continue the efforts to accede to all core human rights instruments
Ratify all the core human rights instruments to which it is not yet a party
Consider acceding to the core international human rights treaties to which it is not yet a party
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Continue ratifying the remaining core human rights conventions
Accede to the core international human rights treaties to which it is not yet a State party and thoroughly implement its obligations under the treaties to which it is a party
State of Palestine
Ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
Operate the National Committee for the Implementation of the International Human Rights Treaties with a view to achieving tangible progress in the implementation of the human rights treaties to which the country is a party
Ensure human and financial resources and autonomy for the National Committee for the Implementation of the International Human Rights Treaties to enable it to effectively promote human rights in the country
Fulfil its commitments under ratified human rights instruments, including the submission of outstanding reports
Strengthen the engagement with United Nations human rights treaty bodies, and improve coordination at the national level to ensure implementation of the recommendations
Continue to take further legislative measures in the promotion and protection of human rights to ensure the full enjoyment by its citizens
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Continue to bring national legislation into line with international human rights standards
Russian Federation
Continue the efforts to further perfect the domestic legal framework for the protection and promotion of human rights with a view to ensuring full enjoyment by citizens of their vested rights
Syrian Arab Republic
Work on harmonizing national legislation with the provisions of international human rights treaties
Step up the efforts to take legislative and practical measures for the protection and promotion of human rights
Continue efforts for the protection and promotion of human rights in line with international human rights norms and standards
Sustain its commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights
Strengthen coordination at the national level to ensure effective implementation of the human rights conventions to which the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a State party
Increase efforts to strengthen national capacities for the promotion and protection of human rights
Implement in an effective manner its Strategy for National Economic Development, and its Strategies for the Development of the Health Sector and for the Development of Education, for a better standard of living for its population
Continue efforts for the implementation of the Five-Year Strategy for National Economic Development (2016-2020)
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Establish closer relations with African people and persons of African descent in order to foster a better understanding and more complete appreciation of the culture, history and contributions to humanity by persons of African descent; for example, by organizing cultural exchanges in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Foster human rights awareness-raising activities among citizens
Facilitate awareness-raising activities and training programmes on human rights
Adopt measures in the legislative sphere to combat discrimination based on social class, religion or political opinion
Continue to promote sustainable economic and social development in order to provide a solid basis for its people to better enjoy all human rights
Comply with its obligations arising from human rights treaties that it ratified
Take concrete action to increase the recruitment of female officers and strengthen their roles in the policymaking agencies
Develop collaboration between the National Committee for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and relevant national institutions of other countries in the region
Make further efforts for the protection of persons with disabilities
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Further protect the rights of persons with disabilities, including its participation in the review by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
Republic of Korea
Adopt more measures to allow persons with disabilities to participate more widely in society, such as eliminating physical barriers in public spaces and increasing awareness-raising campaigns to remove stigma about persons with disabilities
Recommending State
Continue its efforts in ensuring economic and social rights
Viet Nam
Continue to promote and protect economic, social and cultural rights of its people, with greater emphasis on economic development
Sri Lanka
Respect and ensure the rights set forth in CRC of each child without discrimination of any kind
Take necessary measures to ensure the right of a child to life and development without discrimination of any kind
Invest sufficient resources to promote and protect the principle of equality in the fields of work, education and health
Provide all children with equal opportunities to study and give them access to higher education based on their talent and individual capability
Continue engaging members of the international donor community in capacity-building in the field of economic and social rights
Consider acceding to ICERD and the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families (ICRMW)
Consider the possibility of acceding to ICERD and CAT
Russian Federation
Act on its commitment to dialogue and cooperation by timely submitting all treaty body reports, by accepting outstanding requests by special procedures to visit the country and by engaging actively with OHCHR to ensure compatibility of national legislation with its international treaty obligations
Ensure that government policy on access to food, healthcare and health services, including the Public Distribution System, is free of discrimination and political considerations
Take immediate measures to end the systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations described in the report of the COI - including violations of the freedoms of thought, expression and religion, multiple forms of discrimination, violations of the freedom of movement and residence, violations of the right to food, arbitrary detention, torture and executions, and abductions and enforced disappearances from other countries
Abolish all unconstitutional discriminatory practices connected with the songbun system and terminate the punishment based on collective guilt
End discrimination against citizens on the basis of the so-called "core", "wavering" and "hostile" social classes and of political connections
Bring an end to discrimination, in particular discrimination based on the songbun system, guaranteeing the principle of equality and non-discrimination among its citizens
Address the systematic discrimination that underpins human rights violations, including by taking immediate action to abolish the songbun class system
End all forms of discrimination, in particular the songbun system, which discriminates against citizens according to their family background and loyalty to the regime
End the songbun social classification system and related discrimination
End all forms of discrimination, including on the basis of religion, social class, political view and gender
Put an end to practices of segregation and exclusion in providing care services to persons with disabilities
Costa Rica

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